SOCIAL MEDIA GRAPHIC DESIGNER: A 1 hour design session with your Laws of Life Social Media Graphic Designer
STRATEGY OVERSIGHT: Director of Marketing will review, approve and provide feedback on all graphics and copy, add necessary edits to improve graphics and copy, send to client and to designer and offer additional recommended strategies.
SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANT will Schedule your Posts across 3 Social Media Channels on Social Media Web:
Regular price
You will receive:
In this session, we will design for you:
- 12 professionally designed graphics promoting your OFFER or UPCOMING EVENT. 48 POSTS per month!
- Provide FREE access to our SOCIAL WEB SUITE Media Scheduling software so you don’t even have to pay for the scheduling software or help you set up your own social web suite so you can start scheduling your own posts in the future!
- Discuss and create copywriting template for the 8 graphically designed social media posts
- Choose hashtags for the 12 social media posts
- Schedule 3 posts a week across the 3 social media channels of Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and Twiitter
- Hashtag identification is also included
- Copywriting for the accompanying post 8 graphics is also included
- Scheduling the 8 posts over the 30 day period at optimal times across Facebook, Linked In, Instagram and Twitter.
*This offer is for JPG graphics only and does not apply to video or MP4
*Video is available for an upgrade to $300 per month but does not include video editing.